네트/코트 스포츠 점수판 앱
배구나 탁구 등 일반적인 네트/코트 스포츠를 위해 만든 무료 점수판 앱입니다.
Net/Court sports Scoreboard can be useful in educational setting! Net/Court sports Scoreboard will help teachers with points and matches. This App will also help students learn rules and roles, and how to maximize their physical activity time. This information will be instantly available for teachers and students to use both in class and out of class.
Key features:
* Scoreboard
* Points (top of the score: + , bottom: - )
* Setscore
* Win/Draw/Lose automatically generated
* Countdown Timer
* Count-up Timer (switch)
* Lists of Matches (ordered by dates)
* Whistle (touch the boy!)
* Keep track of unforced errors and winners