aisle 통로 captain 기장 cockpit 조종실(석) complimentary service 무료 서비스 connection 접속편 비행기 deplane 비행기에서 내리다. disembarkation card 입국신고서 ETA (=estimated time of arrival) 도착 예정 시각 flight attendant 기내 승무원 jet lag 항공 여행에서의 시차 때문에 오는 피로 land 착륙하다 occupied (화장실 등을) 사용 중인 take off 이륙하다 aliens 외국인 residents 거주자 custom inspection 세관검사 passenger message board 전언판 passport control 여권검사 yellow card 예방주사증명서 duty-free shop 면세점 tax-free article 면세품
비행기 탑승 및 기내에서 쓰이는 영어 회화
Can you help me with my baggage? 짐 올리는 것 좀 도와주세요.
Can I leave my bag here? 제 짐을 여기에 놓아도 될까요?
Please pay attention to the following safety demonstration. 다음에 나오는 안전 수칙 시연에 주목해 주세요.
Please take a moment to look at the safety card located in your seat pocket. 좌석 앞에 비치 된 안전카드를 살펴봐주십시오.
Please fasten your seat belt. 안전벨트를 착용하시기 바랍니다.
Please switch off all electronics devices during take-off and landing. 이착륙시에는 모든 전자제품의 전원을 꺼주시기 바랍니다.
Something to drink? What would you like to drink? 음료는 무엇으로 하시겠어요?
Would you care for some cream or sugar? 크림이나 설탕을 넣으실 건가요?
Which one would you like?
어느 것으로 하시겠습니까?
I'm feeling sick. Do you have anything I can take for a headache? 몸에 좋지 않네요. 두통약 있습니까?
May I have one more blanket? 담요 하나 더 주실래요?
Please fasten your tray table to the seat in front of you. 트레이를 접어주시기 바랍니다.
What is the remaining time? 비행시간이 얼마나 남았나요?
Would you like anything from duty free? 면세품을 구입하시겠습니까?
[나홀로 영어공부] 무작정 듣고 따라하기 16/영어회화 잘하는 방법/영어독학/원어민처럼 말하기/스피킹/리스닝
Charlie : It's a prototype. It can withstand the most extreme temperatures on the
planet. It's waterproof, and it wicks sweat.
Haley : It also repels women.
Charlie : I know. I hate it. I'll burn it tonight! Aah! Actually, it doesn't burn.
Mitchell : Anyway, if we could get back to the lease agreements here.
Charlie : You're amazing. How would you fix it?
Haley : It's too boxy. Probably have to take it in here...
Charlie : Right.
Haley : ...and here.
Charlie : Yeah, I probably overdo it in the gym. Stupid 7% body fat.
Mitchell : Okay, so getting back to work.
Charlie : We are working. Why are we working?! I got to go to Cabo. Hey, you
want to come with me?
Haley : Oh, I've, uh, never been to Cabo.
Mitchell : Yeah, she's not going to Cabo 'cause she's half your age.
Haley : How old are you?
Charlie : Who cares? Pretty soon, I'm gonna look 20. I've been meditating in one
of those pressurized eggs.
Haley : Well, if I went to Cabo, what would the sleeping situation be?
Charlie : Not much.
Mitchell : Okay, no, that is enough! No! No! She is my niece! Okay? This pathetic
midlife crisis of yours is... is hurting the company, and I'm getting so sick of
cleaning up your messes. Y-you need to focus and you need to start acting your
age... your... your real age, not your egg age.
Charlie : Huh. Normally, if someone talked to me that way, I'd fire him. But I
respect your honesty. I respect your passion. It's like me. I'm a very passionate man
[나홀로 영어공부] 무작정 듣고 따라하기 15/영어회화 잘하는 방법/영어독학/원어민처럼 말하기/스피킹/리스닝
Principal : Oh, hey, you're going the wrong way! That's the wrong way! No! Wait. I'm sorry. You're right.
Charlie : You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right.
Cameron : Uh, excuse me, Principal Brown.
Principal : Yikes. You know, most subs just play a movie. All right, do something different, guys.
Cameron : Uh, listen, I-I can't be your history teacher. Those kids work so hard, and they deserve someone who knows the material and can inspire them, so...
Principal : If you say so.
Cameron : Hey, I was wondering, what kind of play was that you were running?
Was that supposed to be a slant?
Principal : Our freshman coach quit. I'm just a glorified babysitter.
Cameron : Well, your receiver needs to learn to run his routes, or the quarterback's never gonna be able to hit him. I-I played in college.
Principal : Oh. Okay. Hey, Tyler, you need to learn to run your routes. Tyler : What routes?
Principal : Yeah, what routes?
Cameron : Um... Well, you're gonna line up here. Take three steps. One, two, three... plant right, open left 45 degrees up the field. Okay, why don't we try it again? Try it again! Tip! Put some zip on the ball, 18!
Boy : Hut, hut, hike!
Cameron : Hit him! Better. Better. Good job. Circle back up. All right, anyway,
thank you for the opportunity.
Principal : Hey, hey, how would you like to take over this team? Cameron : Well, well, that's an interesting offer. How much does it pay? Principal : Nothing.
Cameron : Are you firm on that?
Principal : Yeah, but there's a gym-teacher position available. It's all yours if you
Cameron : Can I wear shorts?
Principal : Yeah, and you get a whistle, too.
Cameron : Oh, I always get a whistle when I wear shorts. I humbly accept your offer. Huddle up, boys! Let's go! Hustle! Do you know what hustle means, 10?!