
[나홀로 영어공부] 무작정 듣고 따라하기 16/영어회화 잘하는 방법/영어독학/원어민처럼 말하기/스피킹/리스닝

Charlie : It's a prototype. It can withstand the most extreme temperatures on the planet. It's waterproof, and it wicks sweat.

Haley : It also repels women.

Charlie : I know. I hate it. I'll burn it tonight! Aah! Actually, it doesn't burn.

Mitchell : Anyway, if we could get back to the lease agreements here.

Charlie : You're amazing. How would you fix it?

Haley : It's too boxy. Probably have to take it in here...

Charlie : Right.

Haley : ...and here.

Charlie : Yeah, I probably overdo it in the gym. Stupid 7% body fat.

Mitchell : Okay, so getting back to work.

Charlie : We are working. Why are we working?! I got to go to Cabo. Hey, you want to come with me?

Haley : Oh, I've, uh, never been to Cabo.

Mitchell : Yeah, she's not going to Cabo 'cause she's half your age.

Haley : How old are you?

Charlie : Who cares? Pretty soon, I'm gonna look 20. I've been meditating in one of those pressurized eggs.

Haley : Well, if I went to Cabo, what would the sleeping situation be?

Charlie : Not much.

Mitchell : Okay, no, that is enough! No! No! She is my niece! Okay? This pathetic midlife crisis of yours is... is hurting the company, and I'm getting so sick of cleaning up your messes. Y-you need to focus and you need to start acting your age... your... your real age, not your egg age.

Charlie : Huh. Normally, if someone talked to me that way, I'd fire him. But I respect your honesty. I respect your passion. It's like me. I'm a very passionate man

Mitchell : Just focus.

Charlie : You're right.

Haley : What's that creaking? 


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