오늘 공부한 내용: 
Welcome to the first show of the new year. 

It will take me a while to get used to that new number. 2017년이라는 숫자 익숙해지는데 시간이 좀 걸릴 것 같아요. 

I am just getting around to it finally now. It took me a while to get around to it. 해야 되는 일을 미루다가 결국에 돌아가는 것.

사진보다 실물이 낫다. He looks better in person. She looks a lot better in person. 

응용:  She is a lot prettier in person. He is a lot shorter in person. He is shorter than I expected him to be. He's taller than I thought he would be. 

(X) He looks better in real.

(O) He looks better in reality. He looks a lot younger in real life

He's photogenic! 사진빨! 사진이 잘 나왔을 때!

It's faithful to the original

Don't use the photo. The picture doesn't do you justice. You look a lot younger in your life. 

Thanks everyone for stopping by the show, the first broadcast of 2017 and we will see you next time. 


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